Sunday, September 20, 2009

One Year

Dear Daphne,

One year ago today, your father and I stood in front of our friends and family and promised each other respect, friendship and love for the rest of our lives. So far, so good.

It was hotter that day than we expected it to be, and of course Dad was wearing a black wool tuxedo. We were both trying to listen to the Reverend Sutton talk about marriage being a spiritual enterprise, and how the highest spiritual purpose is the embodiment of—yeah. That wasn’t happening. Your dad’s hands were starting to fidget, and his already squinty brown eyes were nearly closed from the effort of trying to keep a pea-sized bead of sweat from dripping off his eyebrow. My dress was sleeveless, and I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable he must have been wearing two layers of long sleeves.

Daphne, if ever you see someone you love suffering with discomfort, large or small, and you can do something to help, then help. Completely without thinking, I reached up to wipe the sweat from dad’s brow. Sure, our wedding guests chuckled a little. But of all of the photos taken that day, this is one of my favorites.

Your father and I hope for so many things for you. At the top of that list is someone to love. Someone who loves you back. A sidekick, a partner in crime, a best friend. Someone who loves you when you’re grumpy, when you’re sad, when you’re lazy, when you have gas and fart so much the whole room smells like a summer camp outhouse.

Someone who will wear two layers of wool for you in eighty degree heat. Someone who will keep the sweat from stinging your eyes.

Today marks the first anniversary of the best thing I’ve ever done, and I hope with all of my heart that your dad feels the same way. I can’t imagine my life without him. In a lot of ways, I feel like you and I already know each other. You’ve been living inside me for 35 weeks now. You know what I feel like, how I sound when I’m happy, and sad, and angry and tired. I can’t wait for you to meet your father, Daphne. He’s one of the greatest men I’ve ever known.



  1. Happy Anniversary and Best Wishes for the next (chronologically) best thing in your life! :) -Susan

  2. What a beautiful love letter to both Daphne and Jake; thanks for sharing! *happy sniff*
